Spare Times: Ayşe Erkmen

Press release

In the exhibition “Spare Times”; Ayşe Erkmen, like in most of her previous exhibitions, constructs a relation with the exhibition space. The objects, sculptures and videos in the exhibition, look as if they are distinct from each other. The works are actually stating the same idea, within the differentiations of their medium.

The exhibition consists of two videos, moving and still sculptures, a table and font designed by the artist.  Erkmen combines all these elements in one exhibition. Through the exhibition, the audience is left to think about the relation between the works and the concept of the exhibition.

A part of the exhibition, moving sculptures give the feeling of playing with toys. The hybrid objects which are made in Germany, create the aura of the one which has returned back to its own country.

Ayşe Erkmen’s each work states an independent concept, as a whole, they are based on the same concept concerning the process of creation.

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