Recalls - Reminders: Haluk Akakçe, Hussein Chalayan, Ayşe Erkmen, Füsun Onur, Serkan Özkaya, Hale Tenger, Mehmet Ali Uysal, Ha Za Vu Zu

Press release

Hosted by Galerist “Recalls – Reminders” touches upon the new meanings that the sculpture acquired today. The exhibition sponsored by ABN AMRO can be seen from 8th of February until 17th of March 2007.

The interaction of an art piece with its environment also defines the bond that it establishes with the time. The exhibition titled “Recalls – Reminders” brings up a series of important questions about the current situation of sculpture. The cultural and historical signs in these works also constitute a reflection of the social and cultural processes that we have passed through in more than 30 years.

 “Recalls – Reminders” emphasize the expansion of the sculpture which moves away from classic forms and materials. Among the participants are Hussein Chalayan with ‘Repose II’ shown first time in Turkey, Füsun Onur with an abstract sculpture from 1973, Ayşe Erkmen and her wall piece titled ‘The colours of letters’, Serkan Özkaya and ‘Golden Boy’, Haluk Akakce with a wall panel, Hale Tenger and her sculpture works ‘Turkish Delight’ and ‘World Cracker’, Mehmet Ali Uysal with three architectural installations and finally HA ZA VU ZU and the group’s floor installation ‘Let it Be Your Bad Smell’

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